Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Up the Mountain

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart ~Galatians 6:9

As God calls us out of our comfort zone and into His service we will have many occasions and opportunities to pull back from His instruction and fall into the areas where we feel most secure. We desire comfort and security, but it is in discomfort and through struggling through the unknown that we come to learn how to rely on God and to come to understand what it means to truly trust in Him. It is through these periods that we can begin to experience God's grace and His faithfulness.

We cannot come into this type of intimate relationship from the quiet and safe comforts of the sheltered bubbles that we tend to build around ourselves. While we may learn much about God by studying Him safely from afar, we won't get to actually know Him personally until we step out by faith and in trust and go wherever He may lead us however uncomfortable and difficult the path might seem.

Our journey to God should be a never ending quest to climb higher and higher up the sometimes rocky and treacherous mountain path that God has placed before us. Occasionally on this journey we will find that God has provided for us a nice flat place with soft green grass to rest and a tree for shelter and for food.  When we find this comfort we should stop, rest, and enjoy the wonderful view for a short time, and then continue on.  What we should never do is to stake out the ground and make our home there.

The journey that God sets before us is difficult and it is easy to grow weary, especially if we attempt to rely on our own strength. Always remember that you are alive and breathing today because God still has use and a plan for you on this earth. Our journey does not end, our growth does not stop, our true security and safety does not begin until the day God calls us home or the day that Jesus returns.  Until that day we are to run the race set before us with endurance (Hebrews 12:1).

As you examine your walk with God, do you find that you have been camping at the comfortable rest stop on the mountain for too long? Are you learning about God instead of allowing Him to personally show you who He is and bring you into real relationship? Are you still seeking the face of Jesus and stepping out in faith to follow Him wherever He may lead you, even if that means going into places you wouldn't, by yourself, choose to go?

Each of us must ask ourselves these questions. The longer we have been on the path the more we need to examine our walk to ensure that we haven't grown weary and rested in one place too long. What is God calling you to do today to take the next step up the mountain in your never-ending journey toward Him?

For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised. ~Hebrews 10:36

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