Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nothing Too Hard

Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. ~Jeremiah 32:17

Our strength is limited. We have a finite amount of time and energy that seems to be in constant demand. Sometimes it can feel that we are running on a treadmill that steadily runs faster and faster while we fight just to keep up. It can be very difficult and even seem impossible to keep up with the challenges that seem to constantly bombard us as we struggle to find our way through this life. These challenges aren't always simply a busy life but more often they are emotional strains. 

There are people in my life that are at this very moment dealing with emotional issues that should break them, yet they stand firm. They are in situations that could threaten to destroy their marriage, their relationships, or even their own sanity yet they are holding fast and standing strong. I know people that are dealing with the loss of a child, another that lost a lifetime friend in an instant, a family that is struggling with potential cancer in their child, people that are dealing with devastating consequences of infidelity in marriage, others that are struggling with a marriage grown cold over time, there are those struggling with the loss of career, fighting cancer, recovering from a stroke, and even laying on their very deathbed. Yet they have hope.

Why? How is it possible, when simply living can seem so hard sometimes, how can these people stand strong in the midst of these crises? I know that if you asked some of them, they would respond that they struggle just to get by and pray each day for the little bit of strength to make it through. I bet that each of them would tell you that there are times that they just want to give up and stop fighting. Yet they don't give up. They don't quit. Through a strength and a power that is not their own and they press on. 

It is incredibly humbling to be blessed to be a small part of the lives of these people. Through their struggles and their sometimes devastating pain they, often without even knowing it, shine the light of God's love more brightly than a 1000 others whose lives are going along without a hiccup. It is through our weakness that God's strength is displayed and perfected. It is through these times of trial when we must rely on God alone for our strength that we can become beacons of hope shining brightly to others who are struggling themselves and may be in danger of giving up. It is at these times when we are most broken that we can be of the most use to God as we impact the lives of people in ways that we don't even realize.

Are you struggling right now? Are you dealing with some pain or some difficult trial that threatens to break and destroy you? Are you contemplating giving up and quitting? This may be the moment that you are the most use to God if you will just trust Him, rely on His strength, and obediently follow Him as He leads you through. Don't give up. Don't quit. Don't allow yourself to lose hope. Trust in your Mighty Father.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28


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