Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Walking Weary

I am weary, O God, I am weary, O God.  How can I prevail? ~Proverbs 30:1

The term "weary" paints a picture. I see someone walking, back bent, head down. Weariness has a heavy trod as if putting one foot after the other takes all the energy that is left. It is not tired from exertion or a poor nights sleep.  Weariness does not come on suddenly or disappear quickly. Weariness comes from the constant onslaught of responsibilities, worries, discouragements.  It is the daily burdens, difficult relationships, the constant effort of striving that makes us weary. In other words, weariness is a condition rather than a feeling.

God knows that his children get weary.  In addition to the daily burden of living, Christians assume the extra burdens of attempting to live as a Godly example to others, of resisting the temptations of materialism and decadence, of living differently from what is "normal" by cultural standards. It is hard to be a Christian. While it may be uncomfortable to admit that and seem ungrateful for the great mercy and love offered to us, God knew the Christian path would be difficult.  He promises trials, tribulation, and suffering in every book of the New Testament. He also promises rest and strength to everyone who turns to him.

God does not grow weary and has strength in abundance for all that will rely on Him. He will always supply you with what you need to do His work.  Like the condition of weariness, trust and rest in the Lord is also a condition - a habit of living. As you face the daily battle of surviving, daily give your worries to God.  Daily seek his peace and daily remind yourself of His priorities rather than your own.  God is the source of every breath. He is the source of peace amidst turmoil, joy amidst suffering, and rest although we struggle.  He is the source that, no matter how much we draw on Him, will never be diminished.

The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  ~Isaiah 40:28-31

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